From the very start, I was told that Cathy was hurt badly in her last relationship, it's more likely I'll be a friend than boyfriend and that she isn't looking for anyone anytime soon. From her blog, her eyes and the words she uses, I can tell she misses him and meant the world to her. He who just left...literally...left her life as if a gust of wind... My emotional side says let her be yet my logical side tells me to persist! If I don't try then I run the high chance of failure without trying... If I do persist, then fail, at least I knew I did something... Persistence it is.
From time to time, life throws me a ball, they are hard to catch and at times I fall over...I write because I express better this way, in the past I would bottle everything up and not talk about it. This led to severe changes in my life...I pushed away the girl who loved me more than herself...