I have been drinking for almost the whole week...about 4-5units a time and have noticed that its not good for me...I can't think straight, I can't focus, I am losing motivation and its getting very depressing.
OK, my ex girlfriend has got a new boyfriend shortly after the break up...it hurts. Deal with it better! OK, there's this girl I like but doesn't feel the same...it hurts. Deal with it better!
My best friend, Adam, you are an irreplaceable in every sense of the word. Thank you for being there when I needed somebody the most and for giving me good enough reasons to hang on to what is left of my sanity. Now that I've sobered up a little can I realise that I am the one stopping myself from progress of any kind.
With the Xmas period round the corner, a few drinks will be fine, then afterwards I'll go 2 months without it and see what happens. During this time, I'll catch up on the reading that I have to do and get my "to do list" knuckled down!
Once again thank you my friend! You're the one friend whose stuck by me when I am down, out, crazy, wrong and impossible to reason with!
Let my progress, begin!
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