With great sadness, my gran from my father's side passed away on 8th October 2017. A month later, her funeral was held. At the funeral I saw some of her church friends and other relatives that I had not known before. I learned my gran was more talkative than I knew and enjoyed the church events to gather with her friends. When all was done and her ashes were put next to Granfather, we thought; "this is it, all is done". Little did I know it wasn't. Upon the Clan's arrival at the flat, an "idea" was proposed to withdraw half the equity from the property simply because "the parents lived here for a long time" and it was "(grand) father's idea to purchase this very one". Yeah...please note 2 things...who paid the deposit and who paid for the finances?? Answer: non of you. You cheeky fucks who are my blood relatives ALL lived, fucked, procreated, eat, shit, dreamed and used this place at my father's expense. Y'all want a...
From time to time, life throws me a ball, they are hard to catch and at times I fall over...I write because I express better this way, in the past I would bottle everything up and not talk about it. This led to severe changes in my life...I pushed away the girl who loved me more than herself...