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Showing posts from January, 2017

Am I...maturing??

OK, I have no idea what has happened to me or how I have came to this way of just...happen... These days what do we see most on the media or any social media platform that broad casts "news"? Anyone? Wars Fights Famine Terror attacks internationally Terror attacks nationally Neglect of children Neglect of the elderly Neglect of the ones who needs help Political elects verbally brutalising the opposition Quantitative Easing  Negative things over and over and over...gets...upsetting. Then something clicked in my skull (metaphorically of course)...where am I hateful? To whom am I negative to? It hit me, I have always openly admit to hating my first ex-girlfriend, I have hated the way I was raised as a kid, I hated the ways my brothers were prioritised over get the picture, I am a hateful person...yet I appear to be quite happy...working away and minding my own business. Sure I help friends and other people to get stuff done a...