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Showing posts from September, 2014

The effects of the Scottish Referendum

It's Monday 15th September, a few days away from the voting day that decides if Scotland remains in the UK or go it alone. There are many backing both sides with all sorts of reasons. I think most of them remain ignorant of the most important factors for a successful independence. Economy and Infrastructure. Friends and family (at least some) are at each another's throats. This issue has caused more arguments than good causes for the country of Scotland. I will let you know my is a NO to independence based on a few things. 1) Scotland's main sources of income is dominated by revenue from the North Sea Oil...Whisky export...and taxation of All Working People. There are other factors too but isn't large enough to be significant. North Sea Oil WILL run out...revenue will then cease. Whisky export will continue long after the Oil but it ain't going to be sufficient. Taxation of the working...50% of entire Scottish population can't possibly contrib...