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Showing posts from August, 2014

"Change/s" does it really happen?

I've been thinking to quite an extent on this one..."does a person change as such?" From what I've experienced in life, certain behaviours are learned and others are expressed through the change in environment (externally) and/or with respect to the person's current situation. Here's an example. Have you ever met somebody back from school who was plain bad? Smoking, causing disruption in class, had fights at school and perhaps bullied you or someone you knew? I'm very certain many of you, including myself, has memories of at least a few. Fast forward a few years (in SOME cases) that bad ass has turned out to be a father...with a in an alright apartment and gorgeous girlfriend/partner. "How did that happen!?" will play through most of our minds...and I think i've got an explanation for the phenomenon. Every human born, no matter where you're from is not naturally bad. It is your environment that shapes you to be the way...