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Showing posts from November, 2013

My eternal reminder

Oh Lin... Even now...a year and two months onwards I still get asked what did I do to mess up our relationship. It seems like people just cannot accept that it was all my fault...they want the details...but I am far too ashamed to tell... You were an awesome girlfriend to me and no doubt that you're an awesome girlfriend to your current boyfriend too... I, from the depths of my soul (or what remains of it) sincerely wish you all the best with your current partner...yet my relatives had to say "maybe you two will reunite one day". I can understand where they're coming from but I probably won't be able to us another chance due to my shame in crushing your heart on our last days together...a demonic act to someone as sweet as you can only be a demonic creature. I can never apologize enough nor do enough to make it up to you...

My flat!

I was suppose to put this up eons ago! These are the photos of the flat that is mine! Haha. Of course it looks a little basic but it's for renting out and not myself! Here they are!

Friday 15th November

Ah, Friday night! Life has certainly twisted for me in a few sectors! House party then to the student union where I've not been to in years (literally!)...I'm telling you, I am actually going out more now in my late 20s that i did in my uni days. And then there is Cathy...the one that has some how put in me a intoxicated euphoric state. Did I allow this or did she cast a spell on me? Who knows, for now I'll enjoy the journey and not think too much! Having that said, I am in a moral dilemma just I go looking for a new job or do I go back to my old trade of running a small business...?


~~sigh~~ Thursday 7th was near the end of the working day and the manager asked to see me. He asked me how I think I was getting on...I replied; "fine i guess"…but there was a look...a very "unhappy" look in his eyes and the smile was forced... I pretty much knew what was going to happen next. I was initially hired as a Salesman to be part of their expanding team however due to my lack of experience and lacking of absolute enthusiasm for cars I was place with the Valet team to hopefully boost my interest in short it didn't work. My manager said with the most unwilling look in his eyes..."You're a great worker, you do what's needed and get on with it as if you're on a mission! But I cannot justify your earnings with what you're doing..." I interrupted his speech..."It's ok Chief...i the end of the day, you're running a business and you have to cut unjustified losses to the compan...