As I am typing this my girl is quietly sleeping away. I've been with her for nearly 11 months now...its very surprising to know what has happened since a year ago till today... I moved from a small town to the capital city... I found myself THEE most AMAZING girlfriend... Scottish referendum happened... Swiss Gold referendum happened... Price of Crude Oil dramatically dropped by 50% as USA is trying to crush Russia's economy... Norway deporting Muslims which resulted in a big drop in crime... Price of gold and silver seems to be recovering and breaking off from some manipulation... Oh...we got a puppy today! Besides all this...I am still yet to find a place to call my own...COME ON MAN!!!!!!!! Like I said...I cannot believe that a year has almost passed by and I must admit...Life is pretty good so far :) Here's to more great & prosperous years ahead! **Raises glass - "Cheers!"**
From time to time, life throws me a ball, they are hard to catch and at times I fall over...I write because I express better this way, in the past I would bottle everything up and not talk about it. This led to severe changes in my life...I pushed away the girl who loved me more than herself...