I must say, this year...2014 has been the most interesting year so far. Back in September, we, The Scots had to decide whether to stay as part of the UK or go independent. Thankfully in the end, people saw sense and we're STILL part of the UK. I grew up in Scotland BEING part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain...this in many respects is a huge privilege. Just for starters, the British Passport provides hassle free passage to most countries most of the time. Being part of a bigger country is more stable than being in a small country full of elderly and benefit (welfare) sponges...my reasons go on but I shall not dwell on it. BACK to the main reason to this small post! It is currently Sunday 1:06am and the Gold price is £745.56 per troy ounce and Silver price is £9.88 per troy ounce. By this time tomorrow, there will be a decision on whether or not the Swiss banks will need to buy back 1500 TONNES of Gold at the tune of several Billion dollars at the current price. I do ...
From time to time, life throws me a ball, they are hard to catch and at times I fall over...I write because I express better this way, in the past I would bottle everything up and not talk about it. This led to severe changes in my life...I pushed away the girl who loved me more than herself...